European Master’s Programme on Society, Science and Technology
Are you interested in contemporary relations of science, innovation, and society? Are you intrigued by the politics of technology? Do you want to develop the critical and generic skills required to tackle some of the most pressing issues currently engaging governments, businesses and social movements? Then the European Master’s Programme on Society, Science and Technology (ESST) might be just what you’re looking for. An interdisciplinary approach is at the heart of the ESST Programme enabling you to creatively draw upon and combine resources from different disciplines. With 13 participating universities across Europe, you have the opportunity to initiate your studies at one university and then follow a specialization and write your thesis at another.
You can read the curriculum of the first semester in Athens, Klagenfurt, Maastricht, Madrid, Oslo or Strasbourg. For the second semester, you must choose a specialization course in connection with which you complete your Master’s thesis.
Your current choice of specialization courses is the following:
Aalborg University, Denmark
Socio-Ecological Change, Policy, and Innovation
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria
Governance, Innovation and Sustainability,
Autonomus University of Madrid, Spain
Economics and Management of Innovation
Lund University, Sweden
Geographies of Innovation and Societal transformation
Maastricht University, The Netherlands
Science and Public Policy
Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland
The Theory and Practice of Risk Society
NKUA, Athens, Greece
Philosophy and History of Science and Technology
Science, Technology and Sustainability: North-South Comparisons
Digital Technology in Society
Law, Science and technology
Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Innovation Policy and Small States
University of Lisbon, Portugal
Water management and water uses: public participation, stakeholders’ involvement and the role of science
Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Ethical and philosophical stakes of sciences in societies
University of Oslo, Norway
Science and Technology in Politics and Society
Innovation and Global Challenges
University of Strasbourg, France
Atmospheric Sciences in the Anthropocene
Evolutionary approach to science and innovation policies
University of Trento, Italy
Science and Environment in Society; Science and Environmental Communication