Conference Papers

2nd ESHS Early Career Scholars Conference
Theodore Arabatzis, Keynote Speaker
“History of Science in the Age of Post-Truth”
September 20-22, 2021, Athens

2nd ESHS Early Career Scholars Conference
Vasiliki Christopoulou,
“Precision measurements in the determination of Ohm”
September 20-22, 2021, Athens

2nd ESHS Early Career Scholars Conference
Iraklis Katsaloulis,
“Earthquake Prediction in Greece: A Public Scientific Controversy”
September 20-22, 2021, Athens

2nd ESHS Early Career Scholars Conference
Stylianos Kampouridis,
“There was no shortage of skeptics: Computational quantum chemistry and its acceptance in the broader chemical community”,
September 20-22, 2021, Athens

2nd ESHS Early Career Scholars Conference
Symposium: Science Diplomacy During the Cold War
Grigoris Panoutsopoulos,
“How CERN Tore a Hole Through the “Iron Curtain”: The Case of CERN-Serpukhov Experiment”
September 20-22, 2021, Athens

26th International Congress of History of Science and Technology,
Kampouridis Stelios, “Hierarchies of models: creating a normative framework for computational quantum chemistry”,
July 25-31, 2021, Prague

6th Panhellenic Conference in Philosophy of Science 3-5 December 2020,
Athens, Greece
Symposium: “The many faces of prediction” 

Organizer: Theodore Arabatzis

1. Michela Massimi (University of Edinburgh) “From data to phenomena”

2. Stylianos Kampouridis “Simulation, prediction and the emergence of computational methods in quantum chemistry”

3. Iraklis Katsaloulis “Defining earthquake prediction: a contested issue”

4.Grigoris Panoutsopoulos “The shifting character of prediction in High Energy Physics”

7th International Conference on Civil Protection & New Technologies,

Iraklis Katsaloulis, “The Perils of Earthquake Prediction: A Historical and Epistemological Approach”, 

SAFE GREECE 2020, 14-16 October 2020, (virtual conference)

9th ESHS Conference “Visual, Material and Sensory Cultures of Science”Bologna (Italy), 31 August – 3 September 2020 

Plenary Lecture ESHS President
Theodore Arabatzis (University of Athens)

“History of Science and its Interlocutors in the Humanities“Bologna (Italy), 31 August – 3 September 2020

9th ESHS Conference “Visual, Material and Sensory Cultures of Science” Bologna (Italy), 31 August – 3 September 2020 

Stylianos Kampouridis, “Modeling molecules, making reliable predictions: John A. Pople and Theoretical Model Chemistry”
“Earthquake Prediction in Greece: A Public Scientific Controversy”

9th ESHS Conference “Visual, Material and Sensory Cultures of Science”
Bologna (Italy), 31 August – 3 September 2020
Grigoris Panoutsopoulos ” Investigating the Materiality of CERN’s Science Diplomacy

9th ESHS Conference “Visual, Material and Sensory Cultures of Science”Bologna (Italy), 31 August – 3 September 2020
Iraklis Katsaloulis “Predicting earthquakes with electric signals: Experiment and Credibility”

9th ESHS Conference “Visual, Material and Sensory Cultures of Science”Bologna (Italy), 31 August – 3 September 2020

Stathis Arapostathis “Expertising Greece: Science Advice, Pollution and State formation, 1980-2000”

Presentation of the research project PYTHIA at the first workshop of the Center of Excellence for Philosophical Research,
Theodore Arabatzis,
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 7 February 2020